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The Most Dangerous Sermon in the World

At a routine medical examination in 1992, Christine Maggiore tested positive for the HIV-virus. Initially, she accepted her condition, even participating with AIDS charities, including The AIDS Project and Women At Risk. ...

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When God Grants Us Our Fallen Wishes

Long ago, I was given false directions by a stranger...

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A Walk in the Dark

I grew up watching a show called Tales from the Darkside. A creepy-sounding musical note opened each show, along with a correspondingly creepy narrator who introduced the theme: darkness. But what I remember most is how each episode ended. “The Darkside is always there waiting for us to enter; waiting to enter us.”...

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Without Excuse

In Bee Movie, Barry B. Benson is a honeybee who, upon discovering endless shelves stocked with honey in a grocery store, decides to take humanity to court. He sues them for exploiting honeybees everywhere. They steal, consume, and sell honey...

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Encountering God

Life can sometimes make skeptics and cynics out of us. We begin to question everything. We see so much deception, manipulation, scandals, and abuse of power, then doubt becomes our M.O. We doubt what we see, what we hear, and what we read. We assume people are lying...

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Righteousness from God

Righteousness. What comes into your mind when you hear that word? If you’re like most people, something religious probably surfaces, which is understandable. But righteousness is not simply a religious term. Everyone is on a quest for righteousness, whether they’re religious or not...

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The Heart of Christianity

Saving Private Ryan is one of my favorite war movies. The title actually summarizes the plot. James Ryan is the last living sibling in his family and serving as a paratrooper in Normandy. His three brothers have been killed in combat so the United States Army launches a mission to find and rescue him from the war. ...

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Paul couldn’t wait to get to Rome and make that announcement. He was eager, unashamed, chomping at the bit. Why? Surely a message about a crucified and resurrected Jewish carpenter would fall flat in the power center of the world. So on what basis was Paul willing to expose himself to shame, slander, and even death?...

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Personal Perspective Part 2

Larry Walters needed some bigger perspective. So he went to the Army-Navy surplus store, bought forty-five used weather balloons, filled them with helium, and attached them to his self-made aircraft, a Sears lawn chair named Inspiration. ...

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Personal Perspective | Pt. 1

A friend of mine recently commented, “Perspective is the only thing that can change the whole world, without altering any of the facts.” I couldn’t agree more. ...

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