At GraceLife, we support the mission work of two missionaries, Patti Parks & Val Tysinger.
Patti Parks
Ireland Missionary
"One of the joys of serving in Ireland is helping people understand the Gospel. One of my responsibilities is to meet with women, of all ages and lead them in a bible study or one-to-one discipleship. (And fun fact, my Dad named me after St. Patrick.) As you can imagine, Ireland is 98% Catholic, and so there are lots of misunderstandings about what the Gospel is and what isn't. There is less than 1% evangelical, and the majority of church leaders are Missionaries from various counties. We know that God is not the author of confusion. Please pray his message will be clearly shared by his servants here." - Patti Parks
To hear a little bit of Patti's story, her most recent update on her mission work in Ireland as well as how we can specifically be praying for the people of Ireland, watch here.
If you would like to give to Patti Parks mission expenses - click here
If you would like to be added to Patti's email update list, you can email her at to be added to the subscriber list.
Val Tysinger
Missionary Athletes International

I grew up in Florida, and started playing soccer when I was just 3 years old. I continued to play soccer through college, attending the University of Florida where I competed on the women's soccer team for 5 years. I graduated with a Bachelors in Spanish and Sociology and a Masters in Youth Development. During my college career I also played with the Charlotte Eagles. It was through my time with the Eagles that the Lord captured my heart and opened my eyes to see how all of life is available to be lived in light of the Gospel. After discipling my teammates in college, I moved to Nashville to pursue college coaching and continuing to use soccer as a platform for ministry. However, the college coaching environment led to deep feelings of burnout and longing for more freedom to share the gospel in word, not just deed. The lord later led me into a season of teaching English, and later an opportunity to learn about ministry and God’s heart for the world through a year of serving in Honduras in sustainable agriculture. The seasons away from soccer were sweet gifts from the Lord to reveal there is more to me than just a soccer player or coach, to reveal more of his heart through new perspectives, and also restore a freedom in soccer to be used as a tool and act of worship, rather than a thing to be worshipped.
How & Why I Became a MAI Missionary:
I have been connected to the Eagles since 2012 through my own playing experience, in addition to the vast majority of my relationships being with other former or current Eagles. Through my time in Honduras, I felt the Lord preparing me to be called into a more permanent role elsewhere, so I continued to learn and listen to where he might be leading. This past summer, I was able to act as a translator for the women’s Colombia tour and felt a draw to both that group of players and the eagles environment. However, I did not feel a call to pursue anything further until this past December when I felt the Lord clarifying a calling and assignment for me with the women’s summer programming and urban outreach.
Through my own time in college, the Lord showed me just how beautifully the gospel can be lived and communicated in a sports context. I think after college, in all honesty, I had many assumptions of what ministry “should” look like, and for that reason struggled to see God’s heart more fully. Through my time in Honduras, I began to see more of the depths of his mercy towards me and my own story, giving me a deeper compassion for both those who are “like me”, not just those who are different. In opening my hands to the Lords will for my story and wherever he would desire to send me, stepping into a role with the Eagles became a clear calling.
Whether with elite college players, beginner elementary school kids, urban pre-teens, or passionate high schoolers, our ministry objectives are the same.
Leadership: Launching leaders for Jesus who are equipped to lead and impact their communities regardless of context
Discipleship: Leveraging relationships formed through outreach to teach people to be lifelong, fruitful followers of Jesus
Outreach: Incarnational ministry using the platform of sports to meet players and their families to build long lasting, transformational relationships
Growing up, I believed God was distant, angry, and tyrannical; demanding I follow his rules perfectly in order to earn love. When I went off to play soccer at the University of Florida, all the places I had looked to for security fell apart and I was convinced God was done with me. The summer after my freshman year, I played with the Charlotte Eagles and my eyes were opened to God’s true heart; gentle, loving and abundantly gracious. I came to see I was broken and sick, in need of a savior, and he WANTED to save me (Mark 2:17). Through that encounter with Jesus and his love, I saw our need for the Gospel and surrendered my life to follow him in declaring it. I learned how to love my teammates, serve as a coach through 5 seasons at Belmont University, see God’s heart for the world through a year in Honduras, and now see his call for me back into sports ministry. I am learning what it means that our savior is “the word made flesh, come to dwell among us” (John 1:14) as his life and love are lived through us, wherever we are.
If you would like to give to Val's mission expenses - click here
If you would like to connect with Val, you can contact her here:
(386) 882-3273