We will be gathering at Immanuel Presbyterian THIS SUNDAY, October 13th at 10AM! THe address is 811 Orange Camp Rd. DeLand, FL.

Our Leadership


TommyLeadershipPage    MattLeadershipPage

Meet our pastors, Tommy Clayton and Matt Karr, pictured with their wives and their children.  Tommy Clayton (left) serves as our Lead Pastor. Matt Karr (right) serves as our Discipleship Pastor. Both Tommy and Matt also serve as Elders.


Michael    Don

BillElder    BrentElder

GraceLife Church operates under a plurality of elders. From top to bottom, left to right our Elders are as pictured: Michael Wycuff, Don Drake, Bill Roth and Brent Carnathan. These Elders each lead different areas of ministry. If you would like more information on the role of pastors and elders and would like to know how one biblically qualifies as an elder, visit the following sermons: "Shepherds" Part One, "Shepherds" Part Two.


AllisonStaffAllison Best, GraceLife Kids DianeStaffDiane Hendricks, Ambassadors & Admin
Leadership Pagee
Megan Amador, Communications

Leadership Page-2
Kyle Judkins, Musical Worship & Tech


Our servant leaders at GraceLife, both paid and unpaid, are committed to do the work of the mission. By the grace of God, these staff leaders have an army of volunteers we call Ambassadors who sacrifice their gifts and time to further the mission.