Open since September of 2020, The Bridge at the Neighborhood Center of West Volusia is a shelter for people who have fallen on hard times and who in many cases are experiencing homelessness.
At The Bridge, people can get temporary housing, meals sponsored by the Interfaith Kitchen, clothing, access to free laundry facilities, showers, lockers, and more. The shelter can house up to 60 people.
Since the early days of The Bridge’s existence, on the 4th Wednesday of every month, GraceLife’s SE DeLand Community Group has had the privilege of partnering with St. Barnabas Episcopal Church to serve evening meals to the homeless and to others in need. On any given Wednesday, 50-70 meals are served. Since 2022, during the summer months, GraceLife’s youth have assisted in this endeavor.
It gives great pleasure to have a small role in meeting the needs of others, even if it is just serving an evening meal once a month. Most have heard the phrase, “There but by the grace of God go I.” Serving at The Bridge is a regular reminder of this phrase; it is humbling to know and understand, that except for God’s grace, the things that we are witnessing could just as easily have happened to us.
Proverbs 19:17 says, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward them for what they have done.” Serving at The Bridge gives volunteers an immediate reward as they see and hear the gratefulness of those who are being served.
If you would like to get involved with this ministry, connect with the SE DeLand Community Group at the Connect Center.