Archives for January 2021

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Bargaining with God: A Parable


“That’s not fair.” Those are often the first words we learn to speak in protest as children. But they don’t disappear with childhood. And they don’t disappear with conversion. We carry them right into God’s Kingdom where they hijack our joy. When our version of fairness collides with God’s grace, we hit a wall. Disappointment, sadness, and anger find us. Then...

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The Capital City of Heaven


Richard Baxter was a pastor in the 1600s. When he was 35, he suffered a severe sickness in the dead of winter that was so terrible, the doctors gave him no hope that he would survive. He began to mediate on the glories of heaven, anticipating his arrival. It consumed his thoughts. He was ready, eager even, to be with Jesus. But he survived. In fact, he lived another 4 deca...

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Made for a Better World


It’s been a hard year. We’ve seen wildfires, hurricanes, pandemics, and human conflict at its worst. Last week wasn’t much better. Saying that Americans are sad, angry, and anxious probably sums up everyone’s attitude, regardless of your political affiliation. 2020 was a year of unending drama and disappointments. ...

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Small Beginnings Pt. 2


When the returning exiles completed the foundation for their rebuilt temple, God did something strange. He invited them to compare their small building to the previous temple Solomon built. ...

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