Archives for October 2021

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Suffering and Hope

After their parents died, three brothers living in New Jersey were cleaning up the estate. They saw a painting hanging up in the dining room that had always creeped them out as kids....

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Why You Can Trust the Bible Pt. 3

Today we’re covering the final external evidence that validates the claims of the Bible. For lack of a better name, we’ll call this point of evidence, Our Reality. ...

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Why You Can Trust the Bible Pt. 2

Last week we began considering external evidence that supports the truth claims of the Bible. Before we jump into part two, here’s some perspective on how to receive people who come to the Scriptures with doubt—honest doubt, not mocking or scoffing. ...

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Why You Can Trust the Bible

Many claim the Bible is corrupt, full of contradictions, and historically unreliable. Plenty of people have claimed to speak for God. Other religions have their own sacred religious texts that clearly differ with the Bible on major points of doctrine and practice. Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus have their own Scriptures. They can’t all be right, can they? What distinguis...

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