Archives for August 2020

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Culture Check: The Heart of War


In Dynamics of Spiritual Life, church historian Richard Lovelace writes: “Christians who are no longer sure that God loves and accepts them in Jesus, apart from their present spiritual achievements, are subconsciously radically insecure people...

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Culture Check: The War


About 15 years ago my wife and I vacationed in Hawaii. Upon landing, we were asked multiple times by the airport authorities if we were carrying any plants, fruits, vegetables, birds, mammals, or reptiles. We were repeatedly warned, especially about smuggling in a snake...

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Happy Lands & Strong Princes & Princesses


“Happy are you, O land, when your princes feast at the proper time, for strength and not for drunkenness.” Ecclesiastes 10:17 You might be wondering how princes feasting and drunkenness applies to your life as a parent right now...but hang in there and I’ll try to explain. Think of your home as the “land”, your kids as the “princes” (and princesses), and t...

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Culture Check: The Walk


Culture is the “unspoken rules about the way we do things around here." Unspoken. Unanalyzed. Unchallenged. Unquestioned. Every church has a culture. Doctrine involves spoken rules, written rules...

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Culture Check: The Welcome


Our church culture should match our church doctrine. The latter shapes and informs the former. Since our primary doctrine is the Gospel, then our culture should align. Do we have a gospel culture? ...

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