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This is My Story | Jason Best

I was saved at an early age. We started going to church, and I heard about being a Christian and if I confess my sins and ask Jesus into my heart, I would go to heaven. I believe in him and I remember really being on fire for him. I'd would tell my friends and family about Jesus, and wanted everyone to hear the good news.Over the next few years, I really started to stray f...

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The Songs We Sing

The most infamous heretic in church history was a man named Arius in the fourth century. He denied the deity of Jesus Christ. He taught that Jesus was a created being, not divine, not eternal, and therefore, not fully God. Those claims alarmed church leaders and put Arius on the heresy watch-list....

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Worst Roommate Ever

I recently read the story of the Worst Roommate ever. Bad roommates are late on rent. They don’t flush the toilet. They make noise and fight over the thermostat setting. But this roommate takes conflict to a whole new level. Here’s the story:...

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In Romans chapter 7, Paul brings clarity to a question Christians have struggled to answer for a long time: how do we as followers of Jesus relate to God’s moral law?...

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I Am.

Triumph. Humility. Confrontation. Celebration. Betrayal. Anxiety. Prayer. Trials. Torture. Death. Weeping. Resurrection. Victory. Jesus had quite the week. ...

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Law and Grace

Author Philip Yancey describes himself as, “a pilgrim, still 'in recovery' from a bad church upbringing, searching for the possibility of a faith rooted in grace instead of fear.”...

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Don't Waste Your Suffering

I met a lady years ago and began inviting her church. She was not opposed to Christianity, she just had been out of church for years. One random Sunday she showed up and loved the service. She even filled out a connect card and asked for follow up. A close member of her family needed counseling. Our church reached out and met her need. She began to attend more regularly. S...

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Three Realities of Our Justification

When Jesus saves us, what changes? We know our sins have been forgiven and we’ll go to heaven when we die. But it doesn’t take 27 books and 260 chapters (The New Testament) to tell us that. What else changes when we believe the gospel? In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul argues that our justification breaks in with three new realities. He explains them in chapte...

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Three Realities of Our Justification

When Jesus saves us, what changes? We know our sins have been forgiven and we’ll go to heaven when we die. But it doesn’t take 27 books and 260 chapters (The New Testament) to tell us that. What else changes when we believe the gospel? In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul argues that our justification breaks in with three new realities. He explains them in chapte...

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Suffering and Hope

After their parents died, three brothers living in New Jersey were cleaning up the estate. They saw a painting hanging up in the dining room that had always creeped them out as kids....

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