Archives for June 2021

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Fair and Impartial Judgement

My daughter is reading the novel series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians. We watched one of the movies and I was struck by a scene featuring ‘The Lotus Hotel and Casino,’ an oasis in the desert. Anyone who enters never wants to leave. Luxury suites, addictive food, enticing drinks, thrilling games, and unimaginable pleasures detain you. You won’t spend any money at L...

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Misdiagnosis in the Church

Surgical errors occur more often than we’d like to acknowledge. Here are a few that rank in the top ten: ...

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The Road to Repentance

On a warm summer night in Washington, D.C., eight friends gathered around a backyard dinner table. They were celebrating their friend who opened a new restaurant the previous week. It was a beautiful evening with lots of good food and French wine. Everyone was having a good time. ...

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