Post Category: Sermon Series

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Blood, Belief and the End of Boasting

Thousands of years ago, a man named Job asked the question that has haunted and eluded human beings since the fall of mankind: “How can a man be right with God?”...

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Our Only Hope

Closing trial arguments are critical—especially for the prosecution. They answer objections. They summarize and present compelling evidence. They establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Finally, they argue for a guilty verdict and just sentence....

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A Letter that Changes Everything

In 386 AD, a young man paced back in forth in a garden, deeply troubled. He had retreated to a secluded place where he could be alone with his troubled heart. Moments away from being converted to Christ, he was at war with himself....

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The Letter


Long ago, people wrote letters by hand. They didn’t text, email, or snapchat. No memes, gifs, or emojis either. As tedious and boring as it sounds, those hand-written letters carried more weight and left longer impressions...

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Small Beginnings Pt. 2


When the returning exiles completed the foundation for their rebuilt temple, God did something strange. He invited them to compare their small building to the previous temple Solomon built. ...

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Alone, afraid, angry, and waiting to die. That might describe a nursing home resident with Covid-19 whose health is waning; a wounded soldier left behind in the battlefield; a small business owner who is busted and bankrupt; or a rebel whose entire life has been defiant. It’s easy to feel alone and outnumbered...

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A Better Song


Music wields a strange, unexplainable power. I’ve read that music is one of the most effective means of therapy for patients suffering from Dementia and Alzheimers. Their eyes grow wide upon hearing a song from their past as memories are awakened. For better or worse, music grips us. Songs can get in your head and flood your heart with emotions. Songs carry messages. ...

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Give Us a Sign


A couple nights ago I told my littlest daughter that no spider in a nightmare can ever physically hurt her. I told her so as she was climbing into bed because at that moment she was not fearful of any real and present spider but of one that might again make its shadowy way into her unconscious dream perception. She grinned and was ready to sleep, newly emboldened. She unde...

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Culture Check: Serving Others


It’s 1935. Germany is under the tyranny of Hitler and he is forming a powerful army trained to inflict cruelty and death. His tactics include fear, brainwashing, and domination. At the same time, Dietrich Bonhoeffer...

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Culture Check: An Introduction


What is culture? It’s like the air you breath. The water you swim in. The strange, elusive smell of your house. It’s usually undetected by you...

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